Beacon Hill Update: a Loss & Gain
This may feel like a loss, but please hear us out. The map above (rough drawing) represents the lands we are losing and re-routed in red including parts of Upchuck, Summer ...

Heal the Burn Beacon Restoration
Join us, Spokane Parks and Recreation, and REI on National Public Lands Day to restore Beacon Hill after the Upriver-Beacon fire. We will dig fire lines and seed native plants to the burned areas ...

Iller Creek Trail Brushing
Please join both Evergreen East and Dishman Hills Conservancy for an early evening work party at the Iller Creek trail head. Our efforts will be focused on making the trail head more inviting ...

Trail Work Like a Boss
We are so excited to get our new Trail Boss tools! Here they are in their natural environment. These light weight pack-able tools will enable us to maintain trail a ...

What’s going on in the skills park?
You’ve all seen Alec and Rick out there twith the mini-ex and are wondering what’s going on. In short, we are working on what we like to call, “Better than ...

Dumbing Down Trails
Recently it has been brought to our attention that trails around Beacon are being mysteriously ‘dumbed down’. This is not OK! What that means is that someone is smoothing out intended ...
Fall Trail Work Days
Get out your calendar! We have lots of trail work planned for the fall, both new projects and maintenance. Be advised that some of this planned work is rain-dependent and that ...
State of the Trails, Fall 2015
Here are reports from our trail bosses: Mt. Spokane This year Evergreen East has achieved a long time goal (5 years I think) of getting to building a new ...
September 2015 Trail News
Why no digging? One word: water. Until we get some consistent moisture into the soil, there will be no digging. Trying to dig when the soil is bone dry breaks pulverizes ...