What’s going on in the skills park?
You’ve all seen Alec and Rick out there twith the mini-ex and are wondering what’s going on. In short, we are working on what we like to call, “Better than ...

Dumbing Down Trails
Recently it has been brought to our attention that trails around Beacon are being mysteriously ‘dumbed down’. This is not OK! What that means is that someone is smoothing out intended ...

Beacon Hill Conservation Futures Nomination
Have you written your letter of support for the Beacon Hill Trail System? The deadline for Conservation Futures is in just under two weeks (April 30th to be precise) and we ...

Conservation Futures for Beacon Hill
Hey Friends, Have you seen the new flagging at the top of the downhill course? That area is NOT part of the park; it is developer owned. Access should never be ...
State of the Trails, Fall 2015
Here are reports from our trail bosses: Mt. Spokane This year Evergreen East has achieved a long time goal (5 years I think) of getting to building a new ...
September 2015 Trail News
Why no digging? One word: water. Until we get some consistent moisture into the soil, there will be no digging. Trying to dig when the soil is bone dry breaks pulverizes ...