Skills Park Tuneup Session
Join us this coming Saturday from 9am-3pm (Stay as long as you would like), we will be putting as much man power as possible into the skills park area. Tuning ...

Trail Work Like a Boss
We are so excited to get our new Trail Boss tools! Here they are in their natural environment. These light weight pack-able tools will enable us to maintain trail a ...

Dumbing Down Trails
Recently it has been brought to our attention that trails around Beacon are being mysteriously ‘dumbed down’. This is not OK! What that means is that someone is smoothing out intended ...
Fall Trail Work Days
Get out your calendar! We have lots of trail work planned for the fall, both new projects and maintenance. Be advised that some of this planned work is rain-dependent and that ...
State of the Trails, Fall 2015
Here are reports from our trail bosses: Mt. Spokane This year Evergreen East has achieved a long time goal (5 years I think) of getting to building a new ...

Skills Park Work Party Recap
Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to the Camp Sekani skills park on Saturday! We made a few repairs and then removed some old features to make way ...
Mt. Spokane Trail Days (July 19th & 27th)
Time to dig in earnest during our two upcoming trail days at Mt. Spokane this month. We’ll be out digging, cutting, and shaping trails from 10:00 a.m to 3:00 ...

City School Trail Day at Camp Sekani
Fifty City School students gave Camp Sekani a bit of a facelift on Tuesday during their community service day. The group focused on clearing brush, picking up trash, cutting in the ...
St. George’s School Trail Day
Last week a group of students from St. Gerorge’s School joined us for a trail day at Mt. Spokane. The group worked on tooling in the new cutoff on Trail 140 ...