Board Positions & Volunteers Needed!
Do you like bikes? Do you want to join the Evergreen crew? You probably should… We currently have open volunteer positions and board positions opening up and voting next virtual board ...

Beacon Hill Update: a Loss & Gain
This may feel like a loss, but please hear us out. The map above (rough drawing) represents the lands we are losing and re-routed in red including parts of Upchuck, Summer ...

A Plan To Save Beacon Hill
We need EVERYONE who loves mountain biking at Beacon to share this message and do their part. Without further ado, we have been cracking on this for 15 years… advocating, going ...

Send Your Beacon Support Letter
Advocacy Alert Pertaining Beacon Hill Development above Upchuck/DH Courses. PBH Developments, LLC recently submitted a preliminary plat map to the County Planning Dept calling for the platting and development of parcels ...

Respect All Trail Users
Positive interactions among trail users help us keep the relationships we have in our multi-use trail areas, this can mean the difference between keeping a trail open or closing a ...

Sekani Park Cleanup- July 7th!
2016 Sekani Park Cleanup- July 7th from 6-7pm! 1 Hour, Join the event on FB! https://www.facebook.com/events/1810969185803594/ Over time trash builds up all around Upriver Dr. and our lovely MTB park, we ...