Only two spots left for our basic skills class this Saturday, September 14th, at Camp Sekani!


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADetails: The Basic Skills class is a 3 hour class where the fundamentals of mountain biking will be explored. This class features demos by our instructors on proper form and control, and lots of practice time where the participants will be given tips and pointers on how to improve their skills. Skills covered in the class include: proper form on the bike, ascending and descending technique, braking, shifting, and front wheel lifts. Both classes will be located at Camp Sekani Park.


When: Bike check & registration starts at 9:30am, class is scheduled from 10am-1pm

Where:  Camp Sekani Park 6707 E. Upriver Dr, Spokane, WA 99217

Who: Ages 14+

Cost:  $50, includes a one-year Evergreen membership


Register at Spokane Parks & Recreation:  Browse to ADULTS, OUTDOOR- BICYCLING, Mountain Bike Skills Clinic for Beginners. You can also search for the activity code 25784 to find the class.


Please bring the following to class: A functioning mountain bike, A good helmet. It is also recommended that attendees ride platform pedals (flat, non-clip) with flat-soled shoes. Flat-soled non-clip style mountain bike shoes, or skate shoes will work for this purpose. These style pedals and shoes allow the rider to comfortably and easily attempt new moves and technique without the concern of trying to clip out if a quick dismount is required. Extra pedals will be available at the class if you do not have flat pedals.


If you have any questions, please contact Chelsey Henry: chelsey at