We are excited to see some fresh faces and energy as more volunteers step up to the plate, expect great things and finished projects in 2019.
UPDATE ON VOTED IN Positions for 2019
Operations Manager: Beauford T. Justice aka Big B
Group Ride Coordinator: Sue Craigmile
Marketing Coordinator: Andrea Frost
Education Director: Jason Land
Membership Ambassador: Ryan Hodge
Treasurer: Alan Shepherd
Secretary: Dan Wilson
More opportunities available if you are interested please let us know we are looking for a Vice President role, someone who would be interested in taking over sometime in the future for the leadership of Evergreen East. Email nate [@]evergreeneast.org for more details.
In our next meeting, we will be voting on positions available which include- Vice President, Secretary, Group Ride Coordinator, and Marketing Coordinator.
Meet at the Esmerada Golf course clubhouse at 6PM on February 11th.
Link to the job descriptions of available positions below- https://goo.gl/G997NU
If you are interested please send applications to nate[@]evergreeneast.org and bring copies of a basic resume with you.
Here is a sample resume template, https://goo.gl/6VcDt3
Nothing too fancy needed, just include a brief why you are interested, your biking background and why you think you may be a good fit for the position, bring 10 copies with you to the meeting.
Come out, all welcome to our public board meeting at Esmeralda Golf Course the more the merrier. We would love to see new people get involved plenty of available volunteer positions. In this meeting will be discussing a broad stroke of what is going on with Evergreen right now and the plans for the rest of this year and goals/objectives for the year.
We have some exciting things coming up and are stoked to share, learn, and plan. This is where a lot of the behind the scenes planning happens.
Bring your beautiful self and some great ideas we are always open to hear them out!
2019 Board/Volunteer Election Results: